


Mindfulness: A path to spirituality in everyday life.

Mindfulness is the art of being in the Here and Now without judging or wishing.

Mindfulness is the ability to perceive everything that happens within you and around you without being distracted or influenced by it.

Mindfulness is the wisdom of accepting and appreciating your life as it is.

Mindfulness helps you to better deal with the challenges of life.

We live in a time of constant sensory overload, pressure to perform, the flood of information and increasing pace of life. This can lead to stress, anxiety, burnout and depression.

Mindfulness teaches you to focus on the essentials, channel your thoughts and feelings and find your inner peace.

If you choose to live a mindful life, then you also choose to take full responsibility for your life, your path and your actions.

Mindfulness means that you are aware of what is happening to you and your surroundings.

Mindfulness also means that you can stop being critical or judgmental.

With mindfulness, kindness, compassion and understanding grow.

You can listen better, react more emphatically and resolve conflicts more constructively.

How can you become more mindful?

Here are three simple ways you can try anytime, anywhere:

Mindfulness meditation:

Focus your attention on the present moment without evaluating or changing it. You just perceive whatever is without being carried away by it.

Mindfulness in everyday life:

Give every activity you do your full attention and presence. This can be brushing your teeth, eating, driving or talking on the phone.

Try to include all the senses and not to be distracted by other thoughts or feelings. Just do one thing at a time and enjoy the process.

Mindfulness in nature:

Take time to consciously experience the beauty and diversity of nature. This can be during a walk in the forest, a few moments on the waterfront or just looking up at the sky. Try to perceive nature with all your senses and connect with it.

Feel the sun on your skin, hear the birds sing, follow the waves playing or look at the clouds passing by.

You realize that you are part of a larger whole and that everything is connected.

Mindfulness is an attitude and exercise of inner presence, a presence that can help you live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.

Just try it out.

I wish you lots of joy discovering mindfulness.


What are YOU grateful for today?

To me, Gratitude is an inner attitude that enriches my life and connects me with the divine.

Gratitude is more than a word of courtesy or a phrase of everyday life.

Gratitude is a quality of being that is inherent to us and that we can consciously cultivate. When we are grateful, we recognize the beauty and value of everything that is, what was and what will be. We accept life as a gift and open ourselves to the abundance and wealth of the universe.

Gratitude has many positive effects on our well-being, our health and our relationships.

Gratitude promotes contentment, joy, serenity and love in our hearts.

Gratitude strengthens our trust, our resilience, our creativity and our intuition.

Gratitude heals the wounds of the past, alleviates the pain of the present and awakens hope for the future.

Gratitude connects our soul with our divine source. When we are grateful, we are present in the very moment and feel the power and light of our essence. We recognize our uniqueness and our connection with all life. We honor our gifts and our task in this world. We bless everything we encounter and receive everything we deserve.

Gratitude is a holistic way of life that encompasses all aspects of our being.

We can be grateful for our teachers and friends who support and enrich us.

We can be grateful for our body, which allows us to experience and live in this world.

We can be grateful for our food, which nourishes and strengthens us.

We can be grateful for our work, which fulfills us and serves others.

We can be grateful for our home, which offers us protection and security.

We can be grateful for a crises that helps us grow and transform.

Gratitude is a path of the heart that leads us to a happy and fulfilled life.

The more grateful we are, the more we open ourselves to the flow of life.

The more grateful we are, the more light and love we bring into this world.


Invite Calmness and Peace into your Life.

To me, serenity is an inner attitude that allows me to deal with the challenges of life without being overwhelmed by them. Serenity does not mean that I am indifferent or passive, but that I am aware of what I can and cannot control, and that I focus on what is really important.

Serenity is an attitude that helps me to connect with my true nature and to recognize my unity with everything.

Serenity is a state of being filled with love, peace and joy.

Serenity is a gift that I can give to myself and others.

How can You achieve serenity?

Here are some simply ways:

Breathe deeply and consciously.

Your breath is a bridge between body and mind and can help you relieve stress and relax. Pay attention to your breath and let it flow calmly and evenly. Feel how you inhale energy and vitality with every inhalation and let go of tension and worry with every exhalation.

Meditate regularly.

Meditation teaches you to calm your mind and focus your attention inward. Meditation helps you observe your thoughts and feelings without identifying with them or being influenced by them. Meditation also helps you to strengthen your intuition and deepen your connection to the Higher Self. 

Practice Mindfulness.

Mindfulness means being present in the present moment and fully perceiving it. Mindfulness also means accepting everything that is without evaluating or changing it. Mindfulness can help you appreciate the beauty and wonder of life and be grateful for everything you have.

Focus on positive thoughts and feelings.

Your thoughts and feelings influence your reality and your well-being. When you cultivate positive thoughts and feelings, you send out positive vibrations and attract positive experiences. If you have negative thoughts and feelings, you send out negative vibrations and attract negative experiences. You can consciously choose your thoughts and feelings and fill them with love, joy and peace.

Be kind to yourself and others.

Kindness is a virtue that allows you to show compassion and understanding for yourself and others. Kindness is also a form of love that heals and connects. If you are kind, you treat yourself and others with respect and appreciation. When you are kind, you promote harmony and happiness in the world.

Serenity is not a goal you have to achieve, but a path you can choose. Serenity is a choice you can make every day.

19. Nov. 2021:

A few days ago I posted the following quote by R.L. Stevenson on FB and Instagram:

„Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.“

I find that quote quite powerful.

Out of self-interest and curiosity, I created an exercise based on this quote. 

I sit down every evening for a few minutes and write down all the things I sowed or planted that day.

This was - and is - a great exercise for self-awareness, because I discovered that not all my „plants“ were positive in origin. 

This is why I'm going to keep doing this exercise, as a great tool to further refine my mindfulness and attention in everyday life.

Meanwhile I adjusted the quote slightly to: „….. plant/nurture.“

What seed did you plant/nurture today?

Love, prosperity, understanding, trust, compassion, joy, courage, respect and tolerance?

Or perhaps anger, rage, envy, jealousy, hatred, intolerance, fear, lack of understanding and prejudice?

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